We Are The Original redrock gallery Australia
est 1993
We Are Currently Relocating The Gallery
Private Viewing For Genuine Collectors Only
(For Your Appointment Contact: 0412 088 058
or e-mail: mem@redrockgallery.net )

redrock gallery is where all the important people seek to purchase genuine Aboriginal Art
Left to right: Mem with China's Sports & Olympic Minister Mr Zhang & his Wife Jenny and Ms Wang
USA President Mr Bill Clinton & Mem
Australian Ambassador to China Dr Geoff Raby, Mem and French Ambassador to China Mr Mr Herve Ladsous
Australian Prime Minister Mr Kevin Rudd and Mem

Left photo: Mem Tjampitjinpa Aziz , Ms Lauren Wang and Maureen Nampijinpa Hudson
Right photo: Ms Lauren Wang, Lynette Nangala Singleton & Mem Tjampitjinpa Aziz
Painting by Lynette, Ngapa Jukurrpa Water Dreaming

How Can I Learn About Aboriginal Art
I would like to give you a exciting insight into the ancient world of Australian Aboriginal Art & Culture
In order to do this, I need to first give you a good understanding of Australia and our history.
The Australian Aboriginal Culture is the oldest living culture known to the human race, which is still alive today.
Recently published by Australian Geographic’s in 2011, confirms that the DNA of ABORIGINAL AUSTRALIANS ARE the descendants of the first people to leave Africa up to 65,000 years ago.
A genetic study has found, confirming they may have the oldest continuous culture on the planet.
It is known that there are over 250 – 550 social groupings, and a similar number of languages or dialects spoken.
65,000 year, it is unimaginable in our modern world as humans to even think this far back without the guidance of technology. Some kind of photo image or digitally created footage to help picture this in our minds

Firstly understanding the Geographic’s, As you can seen from this color coordinated map, there are no clear lines that identify the tribes exact/precise location .
That is because the tribal land have over lapped territory boundaries and was shared with neighboring tribes.
I describe this in a way which resembles to the Olympic rings, each ring representing a language group. The rings inter-twine and link each other, connecting tribes and language groups.
But The further away you get from the Yellow Ring the more diluted the connection becomes. The language groups have the same effect, the further away you go the more diluted that particular language group becomes…..

Over the pass 30 years of my life, I have had the privilege in getting to know a number of these tribes/language group’s and on occasions had even lived in remote communities in central Australia.
This had exposed a new world of culture, history, spirituality and a deep connection with my adopted families, hence my Aboriginal Skin Name Tjampijinpa.
The more I dug the more exciting my fascination I had become, discovering new details of a culture that had been scarcely talked about in our schools or the Anglo-Saxon dominated environment I had grown up in.
Growing up, I had discovered that most Australian had been totally oblivious to indigenous Australia and today I still feel this way.
The British had colonized Australia in 1788 and everyone knows about Cpt James Cook.......
But the British are far from being the first to discover and steping foot onto the Australian Shores

And Yes, how they had segregated other cultures including Aboriginals, Asians, Afgans and late years the Europeans.
This in it self is a incredibly fascinating history, which I discuss in my book.
Getting to know the Australian Aboriginal people also means getting to know the inhabitants of Australia.
The vast diversity of an ecological environment reflects the geographic magnitude of Australia inhabitants.
This is all echoed in to the Arts (songlines, Dreamings,Ceremoney......( Paintings)) .
As is the colors used in the traditional earth pigment they had once used to paint, the different styles and methods used hone in on the regions:
For example: the central Australian Aboriginals became renown for the sequence dotting paintings but was never restricted to this style, they do paint bold iconic symbols associated with the Land and the inhabitants.
for example: the musical wind instrument called the Didgeridoo (or Yidaki):
It is usually made from hardwoods, especially the various eucalyptus species that are endemic to the region of the north coast Australia and particular the "Arnham land" region.
This seems simple, yet appears extremely complex to the urban eye’s.
Just imagine:
Just like Europe in the 1900 century, Australia is equally as massive in a geographic scale / continent.
On one end of Europe you have France, the other end you have Turkey. The same continent scale in size yet totally different in way of food, language, dressing spirituality and even physical skin color & facial structure. Yet very similar in cultural diversity.
This is only a example:
this example is mirrored in to Aboriginal Australia on the isolated side of the planet earth.
This imitates the large diversity of the Indigenous cultures that is existing within Australia.
The central Australian region is international renown as most popular style of the indigenous arts;because of its remotness and this dotting formation has attracted art collectors from all over the world,
elevating the monetary value into the 100’s of millions of dollars traded in the turn of the 21st Century.
Works by the great late Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri had broken world records in Sotheby’s Auction house, as the women Aboriginal artist stripped the stigma of women painting, as they also became world renouwned,
With private galleries around the world leveraging by selling unprecedented numbers, with astonishing price tags …...
Art collectors, museum and gallery curators have congregated to our shores of Australia, seeking such works ……….
Too be continued :
(Above Left) Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri "Black Crow Dreaming" (Center) George Tjungurryi "Tingari Dreamin" (Right) Paddy Carrol Tjungurrayi "Rock Wallaby Dreaming"
redrock gallery
redrock gallery is recognized as one of the finest and most reputable Aboriginal Art galleries in Australia, displaying some of the most highly successful Indigenous artist both locally and internationally. For over 30 years, redrock gallery is renouwned for its trusted affiliation and direct dealings with indigenous communities in central Australia. redrock gallery Beijing CBD is the first aboriginal fine art gallery in Asia-Pacific region outside of Australia 2006/7.

(Above) Margaret Petyarre. Titled: Bush Orange Dreaming
redrock galler staff infront of painting by Abie Loy Kemarre